jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Star Wars

Did you know that May the 4th is Star Wars Day?...No?......me neither, but apparently if you say "May the 4th be with you" out loud it sounds like the pun "May the force be with you", that Star wars fans have turned into their rallying cry to proclaim their love for the saga.

Avilés walk with our teacher assistant.

Last Wednesday we took a walk around Avilés with Sarah and a group  of students of 2º ESO to show her our village and to tell her something about the history of it.
Under the shade in front of Saint Nicholas church.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lesmore

Today it is a special day for all who enjoy reading and the Language Department of our High School has recommended me to see this beautiful and delicate short film about the joy of reading and the beauty in books. 

World book Day

Today it´s World Book Day, a day to celebrate the joy of reading.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

The Birth of New York City.

An amazing vídeo shows you how New York was born from the Tower 1 of the World Trade Center.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

The best streets to live in Europe.

The Best Streets in Europe

International Book Day.

Se acerca el día del libro y para conmemorarlo el Departamento de inglés ha decidido rendir homenaje al 150 aniversario de Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas. En esta presentación de Sarah, nuestra asistente de conversación, podréis encontrar información relativa al cuento y a su autor: Lewis Carroll.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Tutoria in the park

There´s nothing like a sunny day and a "tutoria" in the park...a real classic!!!

Tutorías de parque...the best tutorías ever!! by 

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


This is a brand new project for GIRLS, School of Doodle. It´s for teenage girls who are creative and imaginative and want to learn in a different way. Would you like to give it a try GIRLS?


The last one today is a list of the 1001 movies you should see before ....you die. How many have you got left?

Scary movies

It could be pretty scary if some terror movies were real


This week in 3º ESO we have begun a unit about films, this video celebrates movies from all times.  Let see how many you can name!!!

West Side Story

Today in class we were talking about films and there is one particular musical my 3ºB students remember.  Here is a clip for all of them to enjoy!!

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Easter Canva Project

This project has been done by one of the students of 2º ESO, Patricia Hurtado.  It´s great what you can do with the right tool!!

And this one is by Alicia from the same class, I think it´s gorgeous!!!

Eloy has done a beautiful one too...great job!!

And finally here we have Esther´s canva...another great presentation.  This class always gives its best!